Disasters and History : The Vulnerability and Resilience of Past Societies

Disasters and History offers the first comprehensive historical overview of hazards and disasters. Drawing on a range of case studies, including the Black Death, the Lisbon earthquake of 1755 and the Fukushima disaster, the authors examine how societies dealt with shocks and hazards and their potentially disastrous outcomes. They reveal the ways in which the consequences and outcomes of these disasters varied widely not only between societies but also within the same societies according to social groups, ethnicity and gender. They also demonstrate how studying past disasters, including earthquakes, droughts, floods and epidemics, can provide a lens through which to understand the social, economic and political functioning of past societies and reveal features of a society which may otherwise remain hidden from view. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.

Published Date : Jan 15, 2021
Publisher : Cambridge University Press
Page : 244 pages
Rating :
Available Copy Unlimited

MARC Information

245 a : Title 
Disasters and History : The Vulnerability and Resilience of Past Societies 
100 a : Author 
300 a : Total pages 
244 pages 
650 a : Subject 
020 a : ISBN 
260 b : Name of publisher 
Cambridge University Press 
260 c : Publish Year 
041 a : Language code of text 

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