The Human Element of Big Data: Issues, Analytics, and Performance

The proposed book talks about the participation of human in Big Data.How human as a component of system can help in making the decision process easier and vibrant.It studies the basic build structure for big data and also includes advanced research topics.In the field of Biological sciences, it comprises genomic and proteomic data also. The book swaps traditional data management techniques with more robust and vibrant methodologies that focus on current requirement and demand through human computer interfacing in order to cope up with present business demand. Overall, the book is divided in to five parts where each part contains 4-5 chapters on versatile domain with human side of Big Data.

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Publisher : CRC press
Issued Date :
Page : 351 pages
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0000032977 The Human Element of Big Data: Issues, Analytics, and Performance HO On Shelf  Login 

MARC Information

245 a : Title 
The Human Element of Big Data: Issues, Analytics, and Performance 
100 a : Author 
300 a : Total pages 
351 pages 
020 a : ISBN 
050 a : Classification No. 
260 b : Name of publisher 
CRC press 
250 a : Edition 
041 a : Language code of text 

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