Sutekina Okashi

Sutekina Okashi means “lovely sweets” and this is talented baker Keiko Ishida’s follow-on book to her bestselling Okashi: Sweet Treats Made with Love. In this collection, Keiko shares new ideas for making even more tempting confections using French-style baking techniques and Japanese flavours. She also includes a section on astrological herbal treats made using ingredients and herbs linked to the zodiac signs, to inject fun and exciting flavours into baking.

Call No. : -
Publisher : Times
Issued Date : 2017
Page : 139
Rating :
Barcode Title of Copy Location Status
0000034341 Sutekina Okashi HO On Shelf  Login 

MARC Information

245 a : Title 
Sutekina Okashi 
100 a : Author 
300 a : Total pages 
020 a : ISBN 
050 a : Classification No. 
260 b : Name of publisher 
260 c : Publish Year 
041 a : Language code of text 

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